Together we can Change it all.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Opinions cause everything and effect everything in life. From media to what we wear, to what we read: ect.Within media we use different interpretation of many roles in the environment we choose to be in. We all bend the truth when we play different characters in life. A popular example is acting as well as writing. But most of all, all opinions cause change. Without change it is not possible to grow.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Free Hugs Campaign

The free hugs campaign was started by Juan Mann. It started when Juan wanted to brighten people’s day by giving them a hug. The campaign became a phenomenon since in this age of technology human contact is very limited. As the symbol of human hope spread it had become banned for lack of order in public environment.

The idea was born when a guy came home and no one was there to greet him. He took some cardboard and wrote free hug on both sides and went to the busiest intersection and held it out. A woman stopped and told him about her daughter dying, and was the first to get a free hug.

It got banned because of public liability, fear, and red tape caused it to be banned. But the ban has been lifted.

Yeremiah Hardt

Postage Stamp

The postage stamp has lessons to teach all. It sticks together long after it arrives at its destination. Now if we would take the example, and not separate before we arrive there would be so much more when we arrive there.