Together we can Change it all.

Thursday, December 31, 2009


If the unthinkable happen we have to trust that we can handle it. We can, but living our whole life or a great deal of it getting prepared for disaster, which is what life has become prevent us all from living a good life.

Security is one thing; however our life has to be built on stronger grounds then that. We all have to live a good life, because we only get one that we know of.


Every dilemma we face is a hurdle in life. We have to get through these hurdles in our own time. We grow every time we encounter anything. The more we encounter the more we grow. We give birth to ideas throughout our growth.

We must give birth to millions of ideas in every dilemma we face. Every idea is used. Maybe not in that dilemma, however throughout all life, every idea we give birth to is used. Dilemmas should not be seen as a futile situation because without them we will not be as crafty as we are.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Why are we trained as a youth to be so aggressive with everything we receive as well as acquire? We are taught that if we get to the top it would all be worth it. However, what if it is not that simple, the journey you took will always be the most important of all the adventures, to get to your destination.

Change begins in our handling of children before as well as during school years. To be a positive role model, for your kids is far greater the cost of the newest toy. Just being there is the most wonderful gift you could ever give a child throughout their life, even when they are old enough and think they do not need you anymore.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Creation of Self

Attributes can come as well as go, but the fundamental structure that makes us who we are always are stays the same. The attributes may be called the foundation of our personality, because in essence they make us all up.

Now if you have a traumatic event in your life you may be forced to get a new foundation of your personality. You then have the chance to build your personality, with the help of outside forces, to your expectations. You can be as creative as your outside forces will be in making you up.

Creative Avoidance

It’s real artistry the way we go about avoiding things. Avoiding creatively is a good way in saying procrastination. Can you imagine how much time you’ll have if you just didn’t avoid and just did what you were avoiding, you would be very surprised.

When you stop avoiding things you do not like and just go through with them you will be happier and have a lot more time. Time is crucial in life. All time is because you only get a finite amount. So you should always use your time wisely, and avoidance is not a good use of it.

The energy you use in avoiding stuff would have a greater value in pretty much anything else.  Besides all you end up with is a whole mwss of stuff you have to do.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ancient Values

Long lasting values of life other then freedom may not be as fundamentally sound but are still essentially sound building blocks of life. Our core beliefs may never change, however they have to be receptive to change, and through all that life will emerge.

The ability to change is so important in the foundation of life, it has to be in there, and when it stops changing it will cause transitioning to other realms of existence, throughout which new possibilities will emerge. Change will always occur, even if one is resistant to it. It is the core to life, one cannot exist without it.

Ancient values of life are long lasting and without them we would not be in existence today. If something was changed, even the slightest thing, it would dramatically alter the future events of time.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Violence to Produce Change

To overcome violence, we first need to accept that we all our a violent species. We also need to grasp that life itself is a violent act. We all have the fight or flight response in us. However we also have a cognitive response to communicate our reasoning’s behind our actions. This is what can prevent these fight or flight responses. Reasoning is one of the most powerful tool that we all our given.

Appreciation comes from reasoning. It shows what we value. We value what we like. If we want harmony we have to have a love for music and its power to bring us together.

Music has the power to bring the whole universe together it is a very powerful medium that can reach all. It can solve whatever problem we face. The only requirement that is needed by this is time.

Writing is also something that has the power to unite. This, in essence, is an outstanding way to express ideas. Writing is a creative form of communication, as music is, however in writing as oppose to music you don’t have to have a plan or rehearsal. Writing as well as music produces hope as well as inspiration, as well as show us that structures can unite or divide depending on your point of view.

Everyone wants to be heard as well as produce change. Art is everywhere; we just have to appreciate it, through patience as well as understanding. Believe that we all can and also will survive anything and we shall. Communication of all is a very influential requirement for this survival to take place.

Communication can be internal or external. You have to believe that you are not crazy, because you have an influence to bring about change as we all do.

Belief that is ours is one of the most important aspects of life. Art is present in this belief. It does not matter that we are different. For our differences unite us more then they divide us.